
by 인카금융서비스(주)



Incar Mobile Office is launching a new product, Incar Mobile Office+.※ Improvement of existing in-car mobile office1. Check whether the lock screen is active (if inactive, close the application)2. Biometric authentication simple login function added3. Notification function added4. Fixed bugs in existing IMO5. Fast speed6. Add user theme functionWe will continue to add convenience features in the future.Inca Financial Services provides the best financial services.31 damages • We provide comprehensive asset management consulting services tailored to customers after comparing and analyzing various financial products in partnership with life insurance companies.-Incar Mobile Office+(IMO+) service introductionINCAR Mobile Office+Total asset consulting service customized for customers. Now also available on mobile.The mobile version of IIMS (INCAR Insurance Management System), which was used as a PC, has been released.Existing IIMS inquiry function is possible, and through this, we would like to be a great help to the designers in the front line.-IMO+ function introduction1. INCAR Notice Check2. My customer care3. Hand, life insurance contract inquiry4. Vehicle design/contract inquiry5. Incasales Bank6. Other business management functions